NEW EVENT: Dr. Dae will be presenting on the NBC4 Health and Fitness Expo Cooking Stage

Dr. Dae is doing cooking demonstrations at NBC4 Health and Fitness Expo Both Days!  

Saturday, January 15, 2011 & Sunday, January 16, 2011 @  2:00pm
Healthy Cooking for You - Booth 1800

It's a new year and Dr. Dae is happy to help you start new healthy habits this January!  She will be preparing a wonderful winter soup, Saturday and a simple stir fry Sunday!  These are simply family favorites! Come and see!

Saturday and Sunday January 15 -16, 2011 @ 2:00pm
Healthy Cooking for You Stage Booth 1800
Washington Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place Northwest
Washington, DC 20001-3614
Healthy Cooking 4 You Stage